Monday, November 24, 2014

Storm Photo of the Day 11/25/14

Stacked plate supercell thunderstorm SW of Waurika, OK on May 7, 2014.  One of my first chases together with Chris Sanner of the Tornado Titans. No confirmed tornadoes but it still an incredible day.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Storm Photo of the Day 11/19/14

Large well-developed wall cloud on a supercell near I-20 south of Strawn, TX on May 5, 2009.  Although strongly rotating, this storm did not develop a tornado.  Part of the ongoing puzzle of supercell dynamics.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Storm Photo of the Day 11/06/14

In honor of Throwback Thursday:  Video capture of a landspout tornado in Nuckolls County, Nebraska on May 24, 2004.  The parent supercell produced 14 tornadoes and landspouts in 90 minutes.  At one time point three tornadoes on the ground and the same time.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Storm Photo of the Day 11/15/14

A high-based severe-warned supercell thunderstorm gusts out near Quanah, TX on April 1, 2013

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Storm Photo of the Day 11/04/14

Rather disorganized wallcloud feature on a high-based supercell near Truscott, TX on April 1, 2013.  What makes this shot interesting is that the stream of inflow from the front flank precipitation shaft is condensed more than is often seen giving a rather surreal appearance.